Greater St. Louis DWI & Criminal Defense
Lawyer Serving Clients in Missouri & Illinois
Choosing the right lawyer for you is an incredibly important step in your criminal defense. Licensed in both Missouri and Illinois, Raghebi Law LLC can provide legal defense on both sides of the river. Raghebi Law LLC will work tirelessly to provide the best possible defense strategy so you can move forward with your life. Whether you are facing criminal charges related to DUI/DWI, Drug Possession, Intent to Distribute, or would like to learn more about having your record expunged, I will work with you so that you understand the process, and have a clear window into your case.
Practice 1
Facing traffic violations like speeding, reckless driving, or DUI? Raghebi Law LLC provides experienced defense to protect your record and minimize penalties. Contact us today to discuss your options and safeguard your driving future.
Practice 2
Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs is a serious charge that can have severe consequences, both legally and personally. We are well-equipped to fight for your rights and provide you with a strong defense.
Practice 3
Criminal / Drug Defense
Charged with a criminal or drug offense? Raghebi Law LLC understands the serious impact on your life. Our strategic defense safeguards your future, helping you overcome these challenges and protect your rights.
Practice 4
Tired of the long-lasting repercussions of previous charges? At Raghebi Law LLC, we are dedicated to tirelessly erasing your criminal record, giving you the power to reclaim the life you truly deserve.